Helen McLaughlin

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50: City notes

PASEO ARTS DISTRICT | oklahoma city, ok

Part of why I write Weekly Findings is because there's so much I don't want to forget as we travel around the country and explore new places.

After a few false starts, we left Oklahoma City (for good) on Amtrak this past Saturday—and, though we're both really glad to be moving on, I realized there's a lot I want to remember about this place that held onto us for almost an entire year.

Today, then—before it all blurs together or becomes a relic—I'd like to share a few of my city notes with you.


All About Cha

What you go for: coffee

What you leave with: an appetite for flavors and types of Korean tea and coffee that you never knew existed, all in just two size options, Love (small) and Passion (large); bibimbap; a teapot of London Fog and a double-walled glass cup to sip from


Myriad Botanical Gardens

What you go for: a walk around an urban greenhouse and some gardens

What you leave with: the feeling you've been transported to someplace; glee at watching koi dart beneath the water to retrieve food pellets before thieving geese beat them to it

The American Pigeon Museum & Library

What you go for: a Saturday afternoon amusement

What you leave with: a pigeon tote bag that makes you smile with every use; appreciation for an oft-overlooked bird; amazement at the variety of breeds; cooing conversation with the most exotic-looking pigeons you've ever seen

Saturn Grill

What you go for: dinner; also, to satiate your curiosity, since you pass this place most days

What you leave with: celestial-looking light fixtures; orange upholstery; falafel and bread pudding so tasty, you wonder why you waited until three weeks before leaving town to venture in


Lake Hefner

What you go for: long, weekend walks

What you leave with: urban fossils; the feeling that you're not landlocked (even though you are); more feathers than you can count; seagulls galore; new perspective on the city; serious cyclists; model airplane sightings

National Cowboy & Western Heritage Museum

What you go for: culture

What you leave with: stealthy snaps of paintings; sightings of real cowboys on dates with their girlfriends; frustration at under-representation of females (prompting a visit to the National Cowgirl Museum in Fort Worth on your wedding day)

Thai Delight

What you go for: miso soup starter followed by massaman curry with tofu (spice rating 2); maybe a glass of plum wine

What you leave with: interaction with truly lovely restaurant waitstaff and sushi chef who notice when you haven't been in for a few weeks; booth selfies

Grand Boulevard Park
What you go for: afternoon walks in a neighborhood that isn't the RV park

What you leave with: trees blooming in February; breathtakingly large and elaborate mansions; constellations in thermoplastic road markings; more urban fossils

Museum of Osteology
What you go for: a Saturday afternoon amusement; also, bones!

What you leave with: a surprising (morbid) fascination with forensic pathology as it applies to household pets; an up-close visual of flesh-eating beetles (both their process and the aftermath)

Hideaway Pizza

What you go for: the best thin-crust margherita pizza of your life

What you leave with: countless Friday night dates; a discussion of the shmoo (thanks to the company's mascot, a blob that looks like a piece of mozzarella cheese wearing a black yarn wig)

Martin Park Nature Center & Trail
What you go for: long, weekend walks

What you leave with: the feeling of being a small child exploring a big woods; bench wisdom; bird sightings; head-in-the-hole pictures of each other; leaf-kicking; long, perfectly ambling conversations about the future

Notes from the week of July 31


Norwegian 'Slow TV' (via Addie K. Martin)


"When someone is sad, you don't run away. You hug each other"


+ two more goguma (sweet potato) lattes
+ lots & lots of berries
+ fish tacos
+ veggie lasagna
+ two cupcakes (red velvet & strawberry)


"The other day I was out running and someone yelled at me from a passing pickup truck. I think he called me a pansy (or maybe a Nancy?) It startled me, and I might have even jumped a bit. They probably laughed or high-fived each other or whatever those kinds of douchebags do after a successful drive-by shouting" (via Jill Salahub)


"So, for over 2000 years, way before the news and smartphones, our to-do lists have been bumping up against our mortality and August has had us feeling existential despair (not to mention hot and sticky)"


+ Cindy at The UPS Store, with whom we had the most thoughtful conversation about voting that I've ever had with anyone
+ Reggie, our car attendant on Amtrak's Texas Eagle
+ Charles, one of our table companions in the dining car