Don't kill your houseplants
I’m thinking about watering our houseplants.
I don't mean to say I'm considering watering them.
I mean more that I'm thinking about the act of watering our houseplants. And how it's one of many regular, maintenance-type activities that I try to slot into my schedule each week.
We have a lot of houseplants. Like, a lot a lot.
Their sheer number, plus their various locations all over the house means it’s always taken me a good 45 minutes to perform my watering duties every weekend.
Then I had a baby who, in the past two-and-a-half years, has become a toddler. Most of my schedules and routines ran away like a frightened pet when she was born—and they're probably staying scarce until she's old enough to participate a bit more (and in a less destructive way).
Anyway, there have been many weekends in the past couple years when not a single houseplant gets watered.
Not even one.
Not even the little air plants on the windowsill over the kitchen sink, a place where I stand for many, many minutes each and every day.
Because I'm waiting for the 45 unpromised minutes I know it will take to water all the plants in one go, instead of using the five minutes I have here and there to water a couple plants in-between other activities.
This is silly!
It's also a great way to kill all your houseplants at once!
In all seriousness, though: You have five minutes. I have five minutes.
There's something you want or need to do that you could easily make a dent in (even just a start!) if only you'd use those five minutes you have, right here in the present moment—instead of waiting for the fantasy 45 that might not ever come in one perfectly-formed chunk.
What will you give five minutes to this week? Let me know in the comments.